Monday 15 November 2010

To be or not to be.

I am not an ecomentalist. Yes i believe in global warming but I don't believe Humanity caused global warming. I take the view that if there was an ice age there has to be a corresponding period of warming, which we are now entering. So when people ask me about whether I recycle I ask why it matters and when people ask me if I would drive around in one of those hideous electric hybrid cars I say hell no.

Truthfully though I do care about recycling and I do care about our planet. I say these things to wind up the morons who go on and on about how we can all save the planet if we just put down our plastic bags and all pick up these wonderful 'bag-4-life' things.

I also think that it very very sad that in this country especially people need to be reminded day in and day out about recycling. Maybe it's because our children grow up with idiotic shows like the teletubies or in the night garden... don't misunderstand I like these shows, I watched them with my nephew when he was interested in them, I just don't think they teach our children much about social responsibilities.

What happened to the Wombles? back when they were on the television children saw positive educational role models who went around picking up rubbish and making it into useful things, additionally it taught them about social responsibility because the Wombles all worked together as a team and helped one another without any of the capitalist crap that we too often see in our TV shows these days. Seriously If it was on TV today I think it would help a lot of young children learn what it means to be a socially conscious person.

The cast of the Wombles should make a return to our TV
Right now that rant is out of the way I'm going to talk a little bit about the cut backs in Legal aid announced by Ken Clark today in the commons. It is being heralded as 'long overdue' and 'a real cost cutting measure' but I want to dissect the true meaning of those terms.

'Long overdue' is Conservative party code for 'we wanted to cut it ever since Labour introduced it' and 'a real cost cutting measure' means 'it lets us buy another bottle of wine for the cabinet's Christmas party'.

The truth is that by cutting legal aid all the government is doing is making ordinary everyday people unable to pursue a claim while clearing up courts for the richer people who can afford to pay through the nose for legal representation. Its elitism pure and simple. Yet more proof that the 'New Conservatives' are nothing more then the old Tory's with a new logo.

What the Conservative party should have said during the election

Peace out people and keep on wombling!

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