Saturday 13 November 2010

Normal transmission begins as of....well now

Ok so I kind of lied during the inaugural post of this blog. I said it would be twice weekly. But, and I'm so sorry about this, It will probably get updated more then that (I apologise for that). The reason for this is that when i get mad or angry I'm gonna pop onto here and I'm going to go nuts with a tirade of abuse against whatever has annoyed me.

Now this isn't to say it won't be an educated argument or that it won't amuse any of my readers (all 23 of you - which includes people in Singapore from what the stats tell me) but if at times you think "he's gone on about this before!" I apologise, chances are i have but given the frequency that certain topics come up around me I'm bound to repeat myself a few times.

NOW I have a few things to discuss today:

First I would like to congratulate Tim Farron on being elected to the role of Lib-Dem President. I wish him all the best and sincerely hope that he manages to convince the Lib Dem party that the coalition they entered into with the Conservative Party was a bad idea. From his record, which I'll admit i haven't scrutinized properly, he seems to be a decent sort and If anyone is up to the job I would say its him. Again all the best Mr Farron.

Second. I have a few things to say about Anarchism.

Anarchism is a political theory which can trace its roots back to Taoist philosophers but the modern theory comes from the work of a man named William Godwin. Godwin is said to have been the first person to truly set out what it means to be an Anarchist.

Now I live with an Anarchist, which is probably why I have some interest in the theory, and from what i can tell he spends a lot of his time trying to explain to people what it actually means. The way he explained it to me was that an Anarchist believes that people are divine and truly altruistic, that we don't need a government to tell us how to behave.

I have argued with him for countless hours about anarchy and how it would work. Generally speaking I take the view that it won't, but not because of the idiotic reasons that a lot of people would use such as "people would go around murdering each other in the street and rapists would be everywhere!". Those arguments hold about as much water as a paper boat because if a murderer was going to kill people randomly in the street they would do it whether the government tells them to or not, same with a rapist.

No my reason is simply that I am a pessimist. I don't believe people are truly altruistic. I instead believe in the power of the law as truly altruistic and the reason for this is that the law is not a person. It can be mistaken (because it's written by people) but it can never be malicious and it can never be angry. The law simply is.

But the point of this, is that I want people to understand that anarchy is not a bad thing. It is in fact a very good thing. I just don't think it would work - I do hope however that I get proved wrong eventually.

Peace out people and remember: Anarchists are our friends. Anarchists see the best in you and Anrchists are some of the best people I've ever met. Don't judge them just because they don't think we need a government.

The symbol of the Anarchist Movement

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